SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Note: I am noticing a lot of people are signing up here as a free subscriber. That’s great, and welcome, but fyi you are not entered in the raffle as a free subscriber. Only paid subscribers (at $5/mo or $50/yr), which imo is a great deal considering you might score some actual KT7’s or the book that came with it — PLUS, I almost forgot, you get access to our private Discord server, too — read on…
Here’s my usual long preamble: Just got back from Dallas and New Orleans, sorry I didn’t report as much from there aside from on YouTube, but along with the general weariness of travel, I did take some moments to think about some new directions of LetsGoWarriors. I felt inspired because I was actually able to turn a negative commenter on our YouTube livestream of the Miami Heat game (check in the Live Chat of that video, it’s not really all that much) into someone more supportive of the team they are ultimately rooting for.
I re-dubbed (pun intended) the livestreams “LGW PASS” which stands for Positively Appreciating Surrounding Situations. So, like, Stephen Curry is struggling lately, right? The best way to deal with that is to remove as much doubt as possible that he’ll play better, and just keep rooting for the guy who has brought you so much joy lately. And, sure enough, that’s just about the gist of what Steve Kerr said in the postgame after the loss to the Pelicans!
And now, it’s time to bless this inflection point of LGW with another super positive thing: Klay Thompson is returning! ANTA recently sent me not one, not two, but three boxes of goodies and I’m giving them all away to my paid subscribers. I’m also giving away everything I’ve collected over the past 12 years of covering the Golden State Warriors, whether it’s bobbleheads or towels or t-shirts or older ANTA shoes they gave me in years past, the list goes on and on (and I’ll post that list on here, soon, I promise!). We’ll keep giving stuff away day after day until the inventory is completely gone!
So let’s keep it simple: Paid subscribers are in the raffle each and every day from here on out. The sooner you join, the better you’ll get something. I’ll even pick someone from our subscriber list later tonight after we get the (probable) confirmation Klay’s playing tomorrow. There will be a list of my goodies by then and the winner will get to choose their prize from those that remain.
And I have a feeling the first winner will choose one of these:
Caveat: Winners have to pay for shipping. I don’t know any way around that.
Questions or suggestions? Write them in the comments, thanks!
Hey all, update: I am still trying to find the best website to do a drawing with. I’m told Randomizer is good. Also so much going on today. We’ll draw two people on Monday! Sorry!
I need to win those Anta shoes!! 🥺