Dunleavy, the multi-verse Myers: "We love our roster"
[+notes/quotes/video from Lacob's intro of MDJ]
With three days to go before the NBA Draft, new Golden State Warriors general manager Mike Dunleavy, Jr. finally took the podium, accompanied by co-owner Joe Lacob. The entire transcript with reporters’ names, plus some highlights, is below.
The funniest and probably most accurate and erudite comment we’ve gotten so far (clickable full 30-minute interview after the next few paragraphs) was this reference to the new DC Universe’s Flash movie that’s out now, whose timeline is being reset by James Gunn:
Funny, he sounds just like Bob! In the multi-verse he is Bob Myers!
— Henry Braxton on our YouTube
I don’t think I’m spoiling the movie by revealing that Bruce Wayne is played by both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton (and maybe one more?) — as the Flash goes back in time and inadvertently changes stuff — so Braxton’s joke honestly makes a lot of sense. Dunleavy’s demeanor, which Mike himself called “measured” and was repeated by Lacob, is almost exactly the same as Myers’. And they’re both 6’8”-ish. And, get this, they both have hip injuries! 😱 🤯
• Dunleavy, Jr. will remain in his current role as GM of the organization and expressed gratitude to Joe and the ownership group for the opportunity and acknowledged his predecessor, Myers.
• The goal will be to improve the roster and contend for a title again, with a focus on re-signing a key player (Draymond Green).
• Mike values relationships, collaboration, and the team's core players, such as Steph Curry.
• MDJ “loves” this roster and wants to keep Jordan Poole through the next four years “at least”, and wants to find ways to get Jonathan Kuminga more playing time. Any changes to the roster will be “in the margins”. Mike used the word “connectivity” a few times, alluding to the chemistry of the team and referencing the Denver Nuggets as “connected”. Therefore, I don’t foresee any blockbuster deal this summer. In fact, with the Bradley Beal (to the Phoenix Suns) murmurings yesterday and potential Chris Paul rerouting to the LA Clippers, I wondered yesterday if there might be some pressure to make a similar eye-popping deal by mortgaging the future for the “win-now-with-veterans” or even “tank-now” gun-slinging (looking at you, Washington Wizards) — after all, DraftExpress tied a higher draft pick to JK’s name — but now I’m back on the familiar side of the fence, back to the “run it back and play better” mode ever since the Warriors got eliminated. On trade rumors, MDJ said in a nice humble brag way, “Frankly, we get a lot of calls. People value guys on our roster. So I think we’re in good shape.” Therefore, we can assume he’s confident a deal with Draymond will get done.
• On Draymond, Joe says, “The good overwhelms the bad.”
• Dunleavy doesn’t want to bother Steph while he’s enjoying his family, golfing and working out, but obviously is open to Curry’s input.
• Mike has moved to and from Milwaukee four times, ironically.
• Joe watches First Take in the morning.
• Joe was adamant that every decision they make is collaborative and a “we” thing, rather than tagging a particular guy to a particular person, such as JP’S contract to MDJ.
[Note: a lot of run-on sentences have just been left intact due to the time it takes to edit everything perfectly.]
Joe Lacob 0:00
To say, first of all, Mike has, you know, been with us for five years -- is that right, five years? -- is almost impossible going forward within the organization in raising the responsibilities of some, obviously, to take up some of the slack but overall very, very excited to have him and welcome him here today.
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 0:21
Well, thanks, Joe. Appreciate it. Let me just start with thanking you and Peter and the whole ownership group for this opportunity. Really, really special moment for me and my family. This this is one of the premier organizations in all sports. And so for me to be able to have the opportunity to continue to lead our group means a tremendous amount. We certainly have some work cut out for us, but I think the future is bright. I'd also like to acknowledge and thank my predecessor, Bob Myers. Bob's been an agent for me, I've worked for him. He's been a great mentor. But most of all, he's been a great friend. And we're all going to miss him here. I know I speak for everybody. big shoes to fill. But we've got a great group, great collaboration. It's very doable. It's funny, I was talking about this week, and he asked me if you can do the job. And I said, Yeah, I think so. But you know, I gotta be honest, I'm a little uncomfortable, you know, taking your job. And he said, "Dunleavy, come on, man! It's like you're taking an organ, it's just a job (Lacob laughs)." And we sort of had a laugh about that. And at that point, I'm like, All right, good to go here got Bob's approval, which is good. And he's somebody I've leaned on, it will continue to lean on as well. A lot of people in organization. So thank you, Bob. for all you've done with this with this team. And you will be missed. But we know you'll be around. The other people I like to think of my family. My parents, obviously a lot of people know my dad from coaching and playing and also doing being the GM. So he's set a tremendous example example for me growing up my mom as well. Anything you may say good about me probably is from my mom, not my dad. And so thanks, mom. And then lastly, last but not least, recognize my immediate family, my four kids, my eldest daughter, Lucy's here today, and most especially my wife, Sarah, who, if anybody knows this, this business, the moving around, it's very transient, tough hours, strange things, a lot of unknowns. And so having a support system like family and a wife like Sarah has been tremendous. So you rock I really appreciate it. And thanks for everything and thanks for this stuff moving forward because I know it'd be quite busy. Now, as far as the job, I'd say, you know, starts now get a big week of the draft coming up in our roster is a roster is in a good place. I'd say we don't have too many decisions to make, but we've had we have things to consider, and we will take a lot of things into account. The draft is certainly one of the three areas we feel like we can improve on and looking back on last year. You know, by all accounts, we had a successful season, but for us, you know, finishing the top eight after winning the championship, we know we want to be better. And our goal this summer will be to go about improving our roster. We've got some players we've got one key player that we'd love to bring back. And then after that, you know my main objective -- our group's main objective -- would be to improve. I feel like going into it, we've got a shot to contend for a title again. So I'm confident about that. I'm excited to continue working with our great players, our coaches and our staff. As Joe mentioned, the thing that I've experienced here and feel great about is the collaboration all of us working together and you know, creating the synergy that it's it's gone so well here. So really appreciate the job the opportunity, Joe, thanks again. And, you know, here we go. I'm open to any questions or anything anybody has
Anthony Slater 4:09
yes so much of what Bob was known for was his relationships established relationships with the main players, you know, Draymond, Steph, Klay. How do you feel like your relationship established relationship is with those guys?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 4:22
right now? Yeah, I think it's good. You know, I've reached out to those guys in the last week or so and we've had good conversation. Getting to know them over the last few years, even more so. We had a mutual respect of him and having played you know, I played 15 years in the league, nowhere near as accomplished as those guys but I think there's a mutual bond and understanding and like I said, I've gotten to know those guys well enough for the last few years and will continue to do so. But those guys you know, the core of what we do so having a relationship with them is important.
Monte Poole 4:52
Like Bob said last month, on his departing news conference that you could do the job, you'd be great if you want it. So was there a thought process here that you had to go through in addition to talking to Bob that told you okay, this is what I want to do, or, or did you want a job all along?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 5:09
Yeah, I think anytime, you know, an opportunity like this comes up, in most cases is no brainer, but you should always think through things. I'm pretty measured in my approach. I'll do that. We'll do that with our decisions going forward. But sure, you know, I think you want to talk to your family about and consider things but when Joe presented me with the opportunity, I just didn't see a way where I didn't want to do it.
Marcus Thompson 5:34
when you left here probably wasn't the best term as a player. When did you like what was it like coming back into the organization? Was there a part of you that was like I'm never going back there again? Or like, what how did you smooth that part out?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 5:47
Yeah, you know, what's funny is, you know, it's things that kind of come full circle, although, like that circle that I was in when when I played I mean it's a different city. It was almost like a different organization, different city, team, far less success. So to say it's come full circle probably wouldn't be accurate, but ever since I've gotten back, you know, I've felt very comfortable. This is tremendous organization, go in there and see the banners that are up, much different than when I was here as a player. But I have learned that in this league, when you leave a situation or traded or move on. Things come back around, you know, my dad played for the Milwaukee Bucks. He coached in Milwaukee Bucks as an assistant, he came back as a head coach, and then I went there as a player. So I've moved to and from Milwaukee four times. So I've learned in this business. You don't really cross anything off off the books. And so needless to say, coming back here has been great love our fan base. The passion is amazing and kind of felt that the last five years and I think we all just want to kind of keep this thing going.
Ann Killion 6:50
Like you said, there aren't that many huge decisions to make but obviously most of us on the way driving over here heard about Draymond opting out and when were you expecting that and to I mean, you are getting thrown kind of right into the fire of a pretty critical summer for for this team as terms of what it's going to look like in the future. Just Are you prepared? for that? And again, were you surprised about dreamin?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 7:14
Yes. So I saw the report too, until we get the paperwork in the file and we can't really comment or say much so I will say I think Steve (Kerr) has said it. I'll reiterate we really want Draymond back. What he means this organization of this team in terms of trying to win at the highest level. We feel like we have to have him. So that's very important. Beyond that, yeah, I mean, I think a lot can be made of all the challenges that are coming our way whether it be aging roster, the new CBA with some of the limitations there. Anything else you can bring up but we're aware of all those things, but we also feel like we're in a great, great place because we've got a competitive owner willing to spend in a group. It's really tied in it's got good synergy. Good processes, good sound decision making, so we feel confident we can navigate it.
Madeline Kenney 8:02
Mike, you worked with Bob for a number of years. What do you think is similar but with the way you guys operate and what differentiates you and the way that you operate?
Joe Lacob 8:10
They're both tall?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 8:11
And we have and we have bad hips.
Joe Lacob 8:13
And they have bad hips, I've learned. They both have bad hips.
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 8:18
You know, I think it's as far as similarities, you know, really close so I guess there's got to be a lot of things that align but, you know, I probably start with humility. I think for the most part, we're pretty humble guys. family first and I think we're good listeners. Both like to hear people out, hear groups out and as leaders try and make the right decision differences I think I'm slightly better basketball player than him. But you know after that, but Bob is out of this world talented in what he's able to do with people and you know, his his record speaks for itself. So if I you know if I could be anywhere near the realm of successful is he's been here, it'd be it'd be great.
Anthony Slater 9:02
Joe, I just kind of wanted to ask, you know, I know you mentioned like the collaborative approach. The front office is always taken -- but obviously there is an ultimate decision maker or power structure within a front office. Do you view you know, Mike's elevation to the level from a power structure standpoint that Bob was at or or is that shifting at all?
Joe Lacob 9:19
No, it's, he's the top basketball decision maker. You can call titles, whatever you want these top basketball decision maker in the organization. And, you know, perhaps a little bit of differences that when Bob came in, actually, it's hard to remember, you know, all these years ago now, but he came in right as an agent and was an assistant GM, actually when he started and we promoted him to GM and then he got a title change subsequently, you know, with success and more of a more of a compensation thing. I think more than anything else because he was really in the same role. And so Mike is in the same role, and he's the top decision maker within basketball. So from my standpoint, he's the guy that I'll be calling however many times people think I call him a day. Actually, he called me this morning. I just want you to know woke me up. Actually, I was up and I was watching a show on TV, First Take (laughs).
Tim Kawakami 10:15
Joe, couple of quick questions. Have you already been calling and texting Mike, recently?
Joe Lacob 10:21
Is that a serious question?
Tim Kawakami 10:23
When did when did you first start texting?
Joe Lacob 10:25
Well, first of all, it started long before he got this job. You know, obviously we communicate and communicate not only with did communicate only with Bob but you know with Kirk and Larry Harris and the draft and Mike but not as often. Obviously Bob got the brunt of that. But, you know, we we communicate a lot and one of the things that you have to be able to do to do this job, you have to be good communicator. He has to be able to communicate, you know, to the players, with the players and he's gonna be great at it. By the way, as a former player, it certainly will help. He has to communicate to his employees, people work for him and basketball operations. And he's got to be able to communicate up you know, which is me. And that's actually all CEOs in companies, if you want to compare it to that. It's kind of the same thing. That's what makes a great CEO a great leader is someone who can do all three levels of communication here, here and here. And this guy has that ability. He's a really good communicator. He's very thorough in his thinking. He's very analytical. He's very -- (facing Mike) you used the word measured -- which is another word I really like. He's thinks in a measured way. He doesn't just blurt things out. He's, so I think he's going to be fantastic at this job and we've been communicating for a long time and we still we do and we'll keep going forward.
Tim Kawakami 10:31
Just to follow up as you other than my being there in which he was. What kind of questions did you ask about? What did you need to hear from him? To beat out other candidates? Did you interview other candidates seriously, or was it always going to be Mike?
Joe Lacob 12:01
I mean, there was not a decision that I've made because I don't think I or we wanted to kind of even contemplate Bob leaving. We obviously liked Bob a lot. And he was he was great. So until he made a decision I didn't think I don't think I really allowed myself to, to think about that pretty much. But once he made the decision, which was, you know, pretty late in the process. I think, in the background, what had been going on is, you know, processing how would we go about this, and I always knew that we had this guy sitting here in the wings. Had to have a conversation with him. We did have conversations, obviously to make sure that everything I thought was correct. And everything he thought about the job. He wanted to know if he wanted it as well, so that we were on the same wavelength. So did I interview other people? No, not really. We didn't go outside if that's what your question because I think we believe in continuity. We believe we have a really well-oiled machine, good-running, well-running organization. And Mike, you know, gets along fabulously with all the parties inside. Everything from you know, Kirk Lacob to Brandon Schneider sitting right here. He's very interactive with the business side which I think is a great thing in our organization, and all the coaches and players.
Connor Letourneau 13:14
Mike, what do you think you learned the most from Bob?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 13:20
Well, I think I'm still learning stuff from him, which is which is a good thing. Our friendship and relationship remains strong. I think with Bob, the biggest thing I've learned is the value of relationships and his connection with people, not only within this organization on this team, but throughout the league. It's important. You guys have seen Bob enough in the amount of times he's had his, you know, earbuds in and on the phone and talking to people and it's not just catching up with buddies, it's real stuff and his communication and that type of stuff from even the last five years. Getting on top of that and learning to do that and you know, I think in the first place, you know, comfortable with and good at but Bob's taken to a different level and it's something that I really have learned to value.
John Dickinson 14:08
Mike, how do you assess last season as a whole the regular season, the two rounds of the playoffs? And what you have and sort of the stated, you know, Steph and Klay and Draymond stating that they want to be together with Steve versus the need to get better and contend for a championship and the avenues that you have to get better. In essence, they want to be together but you also have to get better.
Speaker 3 14:32
Sure, sure. I think talking about last year, certainly compared with the prior year where we were the best team in the league won the championship. Last year was internally a letdown for us at the same time, we were two games away from reaching the conference finals. So I think you have to look at all into perspective. We feel like our core group of guys, led by Steph Curry is still at an incredibly high level. And for that reason, we feel like we have a chance to always be knocking on the door and the rest of the roster going on down the line, we feel like is a group that's probably needs to be better about playing together and connecting. And so that's something we'll look to solve for this offseason. And by the way, that's not only externally that's internally you know, through, you know, working together and doing all that stuff. So I think as far as last year, below our standards, but I think we learned a lot and I think we know we need to do to improve and now it's our job to go out and do it.
Monte Poole 15:33
Joe I still want to ask you a question about the new CBA but I know better. You don't want to go there, I know.
Joe Lacob 15:39
You can ask.
Monte Poole 15:43
But on Draymond. I mean a) what do you think he's meant to what you guys have been able to do over the years? And what do you see him being able to do if he should come back down the road?
Joe Lacob 15:55
What's your question exactly, is what you want Draymond to do something different?
Monte Poole 16:00
No, my question to you is, what do you think he's meant to what you guys have done already --
Joe Lacob 16:04
Oh, "meant."
Monte Poole 16:04
-- and what do you think he can mean and going forward in the future as he ages?
Joe Lacob 16:11
Look, he's been a spectacular player for us. We would not have these championships without his involvement, no question. I think everyone understands that in this room. He's meant a lot to this franchise. He's a bit of a controversial player perhaps in some corners around the league and certain things that have happened over the years and he knows that we know that but the good overwhelms the bad. This is what I would say. And you know, he probably needs to improve just like we all do, and get better at certain things and and we probably need, as Mike said, to improve as an organization in some ways, for sure, but he's he's meant a lot and I think if he does come back, that he will be very important to our success. Certainly going forward in the next few years.
Janie McCauley 17:05
Hi, Mike. Congratulations.
Joe Lacob 17:07
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Janie McCauley 17:11
Bob said his relationship with Steve was called rare, I mean, unique that a GM and a coach are that close. What is your relationship like with Steve and can you build off kind of what Bob and Steve established in terms of the camaraderie and the collaboration that Joe has kind of touched on?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 17:32
Sure. Admittedly, a big part of me taking this position was my relationship with Steve. Steve's a person that I look up to not only work with but somebody that I trust in, you know, just an incredible level and what he's been able to do for this team in this organization over the last decade or so, it makes my job easier and not having to worry about on a daily basis. What's going on with the coaching staff what's going on with the head coach, it just takes one thing off the table for me we have a great relationship. You know, we speak pretty regularly especially now so but you know, I'm really excited to have somebody like Steve guide me and help me along the way with this because he's also been in my shoes before as a as a GM so he's seen both sides of it. He gets both sides of it, and really looking forward to working with him.
Chris Alvarez 18:20
Hi Mike, congratulations. A couple weeks ago, Bob said nothing lasts forever. And right now you've had a core of Steph Klay and Dray. What would it mean to you to be able to keep those guys Warriors for their entire career moving forward?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 18:35
Well, that's certainly the hope, you know, we love those guys and value them and you know, I think there is a way to do it. And it's something we'll have to work through but it's certainly possible and the biggest thing is those guys are still playing at a high level. I mean Steph's conservatively one of the top five players in the league conservatively and then you know, Draymond just had an incredible year. Essentially, first team all defense, we're biased, but he's one of the premier defenders in the league. And then Klay has really returned well from his from his Achilles injury in his knee. So those guys are still playing really well in older age. And so that makes it possible I think, to kind of continue to have them here as long as they want to be here.
Jason Dumas 19:13
Hi Mike, Jason Dumas (of) KRON4 Sports. Congratulations, first off. When you're evaluating talent and looking to bring guys in, whether it's free agency or the draft, what skills do you specifically prioritize?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 19:26
Well, I think first and foremost, you got to distinguish between acquiring talent building a team. And so for us, the team thing is huge. How do these players work interact together? Beyond that, as far as individual skill sets, place a premium on being able to play both ways, you know, defend your position and on the offensive end to be able to bring something to the table, high premium on shooting in this day and age with the way the league's going, shooting is important. And so from you know, from there, those those are kind of the main things and you work your way down with other skill sets and character is a big part of it. But again, emphasizing what works for our team and that may not work for other teams. It's different but knowing what our coaching staff likes, and what's worked here is an important part of the evaluation.
Anthony Slater 20:07
Yeah, I kind of wanted ask both of you about the draft. You know, it is Thursday. How comfortable are you guys adding another young player to a roster that obviously you know, has plenty of young players and in that same realm is it possible that you guys are more targeting a ready now player more than, you know, younger project?
Joe Lacob 20:30
I will let Mike handle that because it's his responsibility. But I'll just say that they all seem young to me. So, I don't know. I'm a lot older, so they're all young.
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 20:43
I think our main focus is on you know, drafting a really good basketball player. And, you know, like, like Joe said, it's pretty hard not to draft a young guy. Now the difference between 19 and 23 years of age. Sure, you can you can debate that but I think our focus as it has for the most part is, is to be drafted players that, you know, are actually good at basketball. And so that'll be the that'll be the thing that we'll look at it from a roster standpoint of how it looks. I mean, could you make an argument last year we were too young in some way Sure. But that's that's what we'll we'll take a look at once the draft has gone by and figure it out from there.
Tim Kawakami 21:18
Mike, I know things could change in the next few days or weeks. I know you just took the job but two names that have come up in you know, rumors, speculation about your team are Jordan Poole and Jonathan Kuminga. You've been on board when they came on when they were acquired. What are your just general thoughts of Jordan Poole as his future moving forward and also on Jonathan Kuminga?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 21:40
We love having those guys here. Jordan, especially with his contract extension, plan to have him here for four more years at least and then Jonathan's you know what he's shown really good progression and growth. I think in this first couple of years, unfortunately for him, I think the playing time hasn't been there. And so that's on all of our shoulders to figure out how do we get him in the game more. That's on Jonathan shoulders too, you know, to improve and make the right adjustments to his game as well as, you know, our front office, our coaching staff and figuring out what works so both those guys really, really good young players were pleased with. They have great value around the league. And, you know, obviously a lot of rumors and stuff coming up at this time of the year, but we're happy with those guys.
CJ Holmes 22:21
Mike, just to kind of piggyback off of that, you know, Jonathan's going into year three, Moses (Moody) year three, Jordan turns 24 today, how do you kind of weigh the big three, which are veterans and kind of those younger guys who are young, but aren't rookies anymore as well?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 22:35
Sure. Well, you know, as, as most players find by the time you get into your third year, sometimes it takes the fourth year to be pretty good. And then this is kind of the time to make that jump. And so we're hopeful that's the case where these guys aren't necessarily babies or young guys or rookies anymore, and they should be able to be strong contributing players that can complement our older guys. So I think that's the hope. And those guys are certainly on track. They're working really hard putting the time in and I think we're confident in what they can do moving forward.
Marcus Thompson 23:08
I've got a Juneteenth trivia question for you.
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 23:11
Let's hear it.
Marcus Thompson 23:11
I'm kidding. I'm kidding. We've seen obviously Denver win a championship and they'll be restocked and now Phoenix has added Bradley Beal, reportedly. Do these moves change maybe you're approaching or what you might want looking into this season? You can tell us about the call Joe gave you when it went down.
Joe Lacob 23:39
What's the deal?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 23:42
No, I mean, look, we're aware of all this stuff going around us in the league and far as far as trades and rumors and all that stuff. We're but we're pretty focused on our on our own team. And I think that one thing we came out of last year with is we've got a good enough core nucleus and just how do we get better? Is that internally? Is that externally? Is that both? And so not getting too caught up in what goes on around us, but at the same time, you've got to know this stuff, you've gotta understand it and you got to also, you know, have a clear feel for whether teams are trying to do in order for us to make the right moves and look at things so, I don't know, Joe do you have any more comments? On theoretical trades that actually haven't gone through yet, technically?
Joe Lacob 24:21
Nope. Nope. Thank you for the hint.
Tim Kawakami 24:25
Mike, you mentioned the Jordan Poole contract. There's been various decisions made over the last four or five years and we've all thought that (those are) Bob Myers moves, but can we assume that you are in on these that you were your opinion was heard and the Jordan Poole contract, is it a Mike Dunleavy contract or you know, can we just kind of just assume that?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 24:43
Sure it's a Golden State Warriors contract. Those who have been here and made decisions or drafted players traded players signed players. We stand behind all those moves. Over the last few years. So anything I've been here for, I stand on board and the three championships I wasn't, like, I'm done with that too.
Joe Lacob 25:00
Yeah, I just, to add a comment to Tim on that. Mike answered it very well. People love to ascribe -- I read this stuff too. I mean, I read everything, I watch everything [inaudible]. That guy was, you know, Dunleavy's guy, or that guy was Kerr's guy or whatever. That's actually not how it happens. It's just not true. It is a "we" thing. I don't know how many times I have to say it. We get in a room. And yes, we argue, we discuss, that's what you're supposed to do. And we come out as one and make a decision for the organization. And that is true with almost every decision, if not every decision, that we've ever made on a player. So to say it's one guy's guy or another guy's got -- it's just, you know, that is some media person or some guy out on some other team making that stuff up, because that doesn't exist.
Tim Kawakami 25:55
Mike, Joe's sitting right next to you. It's been commented by Bob and others that (Joe has) got (a) fairly strong personality. I know it's gonna be tough to answer this maybe when (he's) sitting right next to you but how are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you ready for being in a room where Joe expresses his opinion quite apparently or texts you or calls you or calls you again and calls you again? Is it something that you're ready for?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 26:18
Absolutely. One, knowing, getting to know Joe the last few years and comfortable with it but two, I wouldn't want it any other way. As far as having maybe an owner that's less involved, less opinionated, less competitive, less willing to spend to make the roster better, giving us the resources we need. Give me all that stuff versus the alternative. So yeah, I think I'm ready for it. I'm looking forward to continuing our partnership and I think have a great relationship.
Monte Poole 26:44
Mike, the fan base sort of took a wait-and-see approach with Bob when he was promoted. What's your message to the Warriors fan base as you get this new job?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 26:54
Well, first of all, thank you. Thank you for your passion and investment in this team. With what we've been able to witness the last few years has just been incredible. Love coming to the games and you know, seeing our seeing our fans and the way they bring it each and every night, we got the best crowd in the league and just an amazing following not only through the state, the country, but the whole world. So thank you for your support. And then from that, you know, I think despite what people have said, the future's bright. The future is bright because we have good players now. We have good young players. And then like I said before, I think our our processes are good. Our decision making is sound and we're capable of doing the things we need to do to have long term sustainability. And so I think we all should be excited.
Anthony Slater 27:46
You mentioned having a conversation at least so far with stuff .. How involved (will he be) in this roster or doing whatever you do in the next couple of weeks?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 28:00
Well look, I mean, Steph can be as involved as he wants as far as I'm concerned. But that's not his personality. You know, he likes to be kept in the loop on stuff which he's earned and deserved. So I think just because I value his -- we value his -- opinion his thoughts on stuff, you know, I think you're always running things by him, but Steph just wants to work on his game, play some golf with his family, so I'm not gonna bother him too much.
Madeline Kenney 28:26
What's just kind of your vision for this roster heading into next season? What are some areas that you think need to improve on?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 29:10
Yeah, sure. I mean, I think first and foremost, like it's been said, to be able to get Draymond back would be huge. From there, I want to, we would love to make improvements to the point of, can we add some shooting? Can we have some more versatility? And can we add some connectivity, whether that's you know, the ball handling, passing, veteran experience? I think we've heard, talked to the coaching staff, we talked to our players, we have a good sense of kind of what we need to do. And fortunately, it's nothing drastic, but there's some things we can do around the margins and, you know, make a move here or there then we're going to be open to it.
Madeline Kenney 29:08
I know you said you want Draymond back and obviously, Steph is untouchable. But are there any other players that you feel are unmovable at this point?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 29:16
At this point, it's, you know, we love our roster, and as far as untouchables and who we'd like to trade and all that, (I) don't care to get too much into specifics, but other than to say that, frankly, we get a lot of calls. People value guys on our roster. So I think we're in a good shape, good shape in that respect. And, you know, always like to evaluate stuff.
Kendra Andrews 29:39
On your left right here. One of the first things that Joe said was just how you fit into this culture and you talked about some of the relationships you have with Steve with players. Steve's exit interview, he said, one of the main priorities for this organization this summer is rebuilding some of the trust that had propelled your dynasty that might have been shaken this season. What do you see? That needs to happen, the steps that have to be taken to rebuild that and where do you see your role in that?
Mike Dunleavy, Jr. 30:04
Yeah, I think that's fair. I think that's something that, you know, like I said, can be done amongst a group that we have internally through stuff over the course of summer, but also some, you know, external changes, perhaps where, you know, see we've used the word connectivity where we're more connected as a group on the floor. You know, you look at the championship team with the Nuggets. Those guys were dialed in together, you look at us and 2022, that's how we were, we can get back to that, that feel, that standpoint. I think, given our talent, that's gonna give us a chance to compete for a title.
Thanks for giving us the transcript of this introductory press conference. Much better that just random highlighted quotes.
It was a vanilla interview but at least no red flags. Even if someone was to be traded they would talk about how much they liked the players. Thy say they want 1 player back so I assume they assume DDV is gone and all the maybes from last year are marginal. Most interesting comment was prioritizing 2 way players especially since he is rumored to have suggested Poole who despite that was a great pick