Steph Curry to kids wearing his jersey in Indiana: “You are the reason why we play this game”
[behind-the-scenes video + more pics]
Imagine you’re a parent with kids who happen to adore one Wardell Stephen Curry. You decide to take a night out of your busy routine and treat them to a game to see their hero.
The only problem: unbeknownst to you, it was decided earlier in the day by the Warriors that Curry would sit out this game. “Still has some fluid in the knees,” Steve Kerr would explain on the podium pregame to reporters in the bowels of Gainbridge Fieldhouse, the arena you just entered.
It was a long trek through the snow and your tickets are in the nosebleeds and it was a downer to find out about Steph’s rest night during the drive, but you’re there 1.5 hours before tipoff anyways, to watch warmups in the lower bowl.
Have no fear, Raymond Ridder is here. Golden State’s PR head is always on the lookout for things like this and he kept a watchful eye for Steph’s young fans around that pregame lower bowl area, about a dozen or so of them, and invited them down to meet Curry in person, in what looked to be the Dubs’ coaches room.
“We waited,” Courtney Scarberry told me. “Then 10-15 more kids came in and then he came in!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯”
Here’s a video provided by Scarberry, as Steph walked in:
“You are the reason why we play this game and why we love it so much,” Curry told the group, which included Micah and Moriah, Courtney’s children.
Scarberry wrote the following on Instagram, including some clips that show the high vibrations of the anticipation of meeting Steph:
Our family Christmas 🎁 was to go see @stephencurry30 play vs the @pacers ! On the nasty snowy drive up we got the news that he wasn’t going to play. 💔😭 We were devastated!
We got to the game and I took the kids down to the lower level to watch the teams warm up for a minute and take some pictures. While standing there, a man in a suit comes up and whispers, “Steph wants to meet some kids tonight before the game where he’s not able to play. Follow me!”
We couldn’t believe it!!! We immediately followed and the whole time saying “WHAT IS HAPPENING!? IS THIS REAL!?”
They took us to a room where we waited and eventually more kids came in and then in walks Steph Curry!!!!
He talked to the kids and thanked them for all the support and for showing up and apologized for not being able to play that night and that he wanted to spend some time with us and sign autographs and take pictures.
We are still in such a shock and like we are living in a dream!! Thank you so much @stephencurry30 for giving us the memory of a lifetime!! You have NO IDEA how much this means to us and these other kids. Thank you for taking the time to spend with these kids who love you and are so inspired by you every day!! This was truly amazing!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And we took you up on your word and enjoyed a big ole thing of popcorn while we enjoyed the game! 🍿💛💙🏀
Here’s the full slate of pics sent to me by Scarberry:

There was another IG post that made the rounds on social media, from Brian Hastings:
Bennett is a huge Steph Curry fan and watches any chance he gets. We had to take advantage of him playing only 2 hours away against the Pacers
5:30pm - get to the arena 90 mins before tip because Bennett’s Dad is a dork and LOVES to see the team warm up
6:05pm - we found out Steph wasn’t playing and I had to figure out the best way as a Dad to tell him without crushing him. Dude had a great attitude and said to me, “it’s no big deal Dad, we’ll see him play another time”
6:15pm - Warriors staffer comes over to us and asks us if we want to go to the media room and meet the greatest 3 point shooter in NBA history. Said Steph felt terrible for sitting and wanted to make it up to a few kids. The level of excitement this kid had is something that you pray for as a parent
Classy move by one of the best players of all time and have a deeper level of respect for the man
Last night is a night I’ll never forget and so blessed to share it with this kid
Hail fellow dorks, Brian, Bennett, Courtney, Micah and Moriah! 🫶💙💛
Anyone who wants to 'blow it up' and tank by trading Steph to get a higher draft pick does not realize the importance of this story IMHO.