Sep 11, 2021Liked by Poor Man's Commish

Nice work. I admit, I was a Wiggins hater when he played with MIN. "Doesn't play defense, what a bum." But when Bob pulled off the Russell for Wiggins + top-3 protected 2021 pick trade, I saw it for what it was: a midday carjacking on Market Street. By positional, it was a tremendous upgrade. His defense couldn't be worse than Russel's. He was the new flag-bearer of the Durant max salary slot. I withheld judgment on Wiggs because I am a firm believer in Warrior's culture and what it could do for a disenchanted player. Viola! Turns out Wiggs is solid.

Many people still complain about his salary still, but I try to explain it this way. The Warriors had zero draft capital from 2013-2018. They were picking up scraps. Let's say Wiggs real value is 10m less than what he gets. Add up the extra you are paying him above his real value, all years, add the Salary Tax, and say you arrive at $100k. For a Franchise like the Warriors, who haven't a chance to draft a promising young star because they were dumpster diving for talent for 7 straight years, would you pay $100m to obtain the draft rights to one Jonathon Kuminga. Yes, Wiggins has been a placeholder for that max money slot and could have been traded. But you just have to look at the high payroll cost for Wiggins as the vehicle that brought you Kuminga.

And if Kuminga develops quickly, it may lead to him replacing Wiggs on the roster in a couple of years, and now you have a player maybe as good as Wiggs, and the extra money you paid up front carrying Wiggs you get back because your new small froward is still on a rookie deal.

We won't know the final score on that Russel trade until a few years out when we see how well Kuminga develops. But trades don't simply come and go. Some trades can have lasting impacts that takes years to realize.

Personally, I hope Wiggs remains, but he is in line for one more big contract and that just doesn't seem feasible with Steph-Klay-Dray still under contract after 2 more years. I am definitely interested to know how it pans out, if the Wiggs trade ends up including Wiggin's own replacement (Kuminga), thus making 2-way Wiggs a solid 3.5 yr bridge between where they were and where they are going.

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Wow, what a comment! Thanks for taking the time ✊

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Sep 11, 2021Liked by Poor Man's Commish

2025 when steph is 37? . Lets just assume steph will play till he is 500 then

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Sep 11, 2021Liked by Poor Man's Commish

Love the inside look!

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UPDATE: Lacob gets interviewed by Rusty Simmons of the SF Chronicle and reiterates that the structure for a trade wouldn’t work. (But WHAT IF Morey gets desperate and it turns out that Wiggins is the best player he can get? Lol) https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/warriors/article/Joe-Lacob-s-comments-cast-doubt-on-any-Warriors-16477301.php

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Note that "wing" is not synonymous with small forward. The definition of a wing (or swingman) is a player who excels at multiple positions, particularly at least one guard and one frontcourt position. By far the most common wing combo is small forward/shooting guard.

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