Things change, man. And that’s been the theme this entire season. You can call a certain portion of the fan base toxic and you’d be right, but you’d also be grabbing at low hanging fruit. The same methods they came up with in 2016 are not going to help them in a season where the core is aging and the hierarchy is staggered. So every game/choice is a magnification of how they’re choosing to adapt or not adapt. Especially Kerr. I don’t know if he SHOULD have called a timeout but Steph definitely shouldn’t have held onto the ball, trying to out-wizard the double team like he did. And that’s yet another example of things changing, as Steph is usually programmed to make the 3 on 4 pass. Gotta call it like it is and leave the low hanging fruit alone

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Takes some energy to write me 15 sentences lol. Care to elaborate on the low hanging fruit? Or not. Matter of fact I’d rather not. But you seem to have that Sith energy so go for it. Oh and btw you can’t steer a cargo ship at obtuse angles, it’s called patience, Bryan.

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Not Sith energy at all. I really enjoy your content and your focus on positivity. But there are conversations about this aging dynasty that are healthy--though ugly--but being totally avoided by singling out people who hate on Kerr. That’s low hanging fruit. Polarizing the analysis, one way or another, is unfair to the ways that Kerr is both growing meaningfully and also refusing to grow. And lol calling regular naysayers Sith is like mistaking the Trade Federation for the real threat. And that’s VERY un-Jedi of you

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